Opéra Magazine has given Constantine Orbelian, Kaunas City Symphony, and Charles Castronovo’s Noble Renegades recording their “Diamant” (Diamond) distinction.
“Cette noblesse, qu’annonce le titre du disque, est également perceptible dans le chant idéalement stylé d’un interprète qui sait parfaitement doser ses élans et ses moments d’introspection. Mélancolie, émotion, fureur, vaillance sont bien présentes, sans que jamais rien ici ne paraisse surjoué.”
“This nobility, which the title of the album announces, is also perceptible in the ideally styled singing of a performer who knows how to perfectly dose his impulses and his moments of introspection. Melancholy, emotion, fury, courage are all present, without anything here ever seeming overplayed.” (translation)
—Pierre Cadars, Opéra Magazine
See the full review in the January 2025 issue of Opéra Magazine